Technique 2 (for relief of both stress and tension): The next are is located in the webbed area of the hand, between the thumb and index finger. Using the opposite hand’s thumb and index finger, apply firm pressure on both sides of the webbing for about 2 to 3 minutes while deep breathing.
Technique 3 (for improved energy and alleviation of exhaustion): In the shoulder well, also known as the trapezius area, apply firm pressure by “pinching” the area halfway between the shoulder and base of the neck. In Chinese medicine, it is believed that massaging this area help to improve Qi (energy) flow. Perform the motion for about 2 minutes and switch to the other side.
Technique 4 (for increased blood flow and relaxation): In an area located approximately two finger-widths above where the arms meet the chest (around the rotator cuff area), apply firm pressure. This will help to increase blood flow and invoke feelings of relaxation.
Step 5 (for relief of insomnia, stiffness, and exhaustion): The final area is located one finger-width below the base of the skull on either side of the spine. The best practice for applying firm pressure in this area is to wrap the fingers around the back of the skull and use the thumbs to apply pressure. Stimulate this area while taking deep breaths and closing the eyes. The massaging at this location is said to help with relieving exhaustion, stiffness and insomnia.