Things To Do Around My Empress Retreat
Here at My Empress Retreat you will find various holistic approaches to accommodate your overall health needs. It is not by chance that you have arrived here. This page is enhanced to cleanse unwanted energies and raise your vibration to higher heights of your existences.
At this retreat you will find as time goes by obstacles being removed and courage beyond your wildest imagination. We offer Isaiah's Choice body products, Self help courses, workshops, healing services such as Reiki, ritual kits, yoni steam prep kits, divination and so much more as we grow. So feel welcome to explore our virtual retreat and our hopes is that you come out feeling refreshed, energized and anew.
At this retreat you will find as time goes by obstacles being removed and courage beyond your wildest imagination. We offer Isaiah's Choice body products, Self help courses, workshops, healing services such as Reiki, ritual kits, yoni steam prep kits, divination and so much more as we grow. So feel welcome to explore our virtual retreat and our hopes is that you come out feeling refreshed, energized and anew.
What is Reiki?
Reiki works with the energetic, physical and emotional aspects of the individual to address imbalances on all levels.It can be done remotely or in a physical setting.
Reasons you may want to experience a Reiki session:
Reasons you may want to experience a Reiki session:
- General balancing
- Clearing emotional blocks
- Physical pain
- Increasing clarity
- Issues with life
How is Reiki different from other therapies?
Reiki is holistic in its approach and works with not only the symptoms an individual experiences, but with the root cause of the imbalance as well.
How do I know this is right me?
People who have a nagging feeling that something in their life or body mind is out of balance or they feel like they are struggling within themselves and their environment usually find Reiki at the perfect time for them. The fact that you are reading this could be the sign that your body mind is ready to heal and experience growth.
What to expect during a Reiki session.
You will complete a confidential client history form that outlines the areas in your body and life that you would like the session to focus on. This will also help the practitioner monitor your progress from session to session. Once you have asked any questions you have, you will lie fully clothed on a therapy table or sit in a chair and relax. The practitioner will place their hands above your body over various parts in a sequential method. When in a remote session we will pick a time when you can relax without any interruptions. This can also be done while sleeping. I will give you suggestions on what you can use to enhance the experience like incense, candles, etc. At the end of the session, you can discuss any questions or concerns that you may have with the practitioner.
About Practitioner Aisha Goddess SerendipityShe is a Reiki Master and healer. She uses an array of healing methods that range from crystals, sounds, energy methods, etc. She has been a holistic advocate for over 10 years and supports the community by showing and giving examples of how you can fit a healthy lifestyle into a mundane routine by using meditation, affirmations, prayer, healthier eating choices and exercising. This has been mostly accomplished by meeting groups of people at our local parks, taking hikes, gyms and spiritual centers, etc. She’s realized her true calling and saw a need to be of service to people who need coaching, assistance, healing, or may have lost their way. Thoughts to leave you with: “Focus ONLY on where you want to go.”
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